Join Gildas Lemonnier for a 4-part series this spring! Regular class credits apply.
Class commences with a Vinyasa flow that prepares and conditions the body to support, balance and invert itself through a series of postures. The support of the floor, walls, props and peers facilitates the development of strong relationships to gravity with safety and confidence. Class becomes a laboratory of interactive learning where students have the opportunity to collaborate and assist one another with supportive tactile adjustments.
*Class structures are fluid and adaptable and options will always be available to serve the individual progress and needs of the students.
April 5, Class 1 introduces the mechanics of inversions and arm balances. Students learn how to prepare the body, exploring the basic mechanics and applied anatomy essential to inverting our relationship to gravity with ease. Class is an opportunity for self assessment according to the student's comfortability and desires to improve. Postures may include headstands, crow pose, Pincha Mayurasana (elbow stand) and handstands. Postures are explored with the assistance of props, peers and the wall.
April 12, Class 2 is a laboratory to refine and expand upon the principles introduced in class 1. Class progresses with variations and different forms associated with each posture. Examples may include one legged crow, splits and twists in a head, elbow and handstand.
April 26, Class 3 introduces transitions between inversions and arm balances, connecting postures into a flow. Examples may include floating between different arm balances, handstand kicks inside sun salutations, assisted handstand presses, and crow to headstand.
May 3, Class 4 incorporates more intermediate to advanced options that explore innovative transitions between postures.
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